Peach & Moon Organics News

  • What's in our Healing Hemp Skin Cream?
    November 17, 2017

    What's in our Healing Hemp Skin Cream?

    Will our Healing Hemp Cream make you look younger or reduce wrinkles? No, it won't. You'll have healthier, more hydrated skin; you may have a slight glow (that's the carrot juice); you may have slightly more skin elasticity (that'll be the grapefruit peel) - but younger? Physically less wrinkles? No, that's impossible.
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  • Rockhaven Farm
    September 22, 2017

    Rockhaven Farm

    Rockhaven Farm  sits in the Groot Winterhoek Mountains above Porterville in the Western Cape, South Africa. Rockhaven is owned by Andrew (brother of Moon), Jaap and Grant. The farm is the most picturesque farm I have ever clapped eyes on...

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